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作家相片Leo Girl

【🦁 正宗西班牙菜】必食烤乳豬海鮮飯🤤

疫情之後就冇再黎過依間餐廳 見到有唔少食評話佢退步左 但我依晚黎食都唔錯 好正宗 仲有結他手 氣氛一流!唯一缺點係第一次黎好易行錯路搵唔到 🤣


❇️ Deep-fried Spanish peppers

外脆內軟 小小辣 好開胃!

❇️ Grilled Spanish octopus

八爪魚烤得岩岩好 唔韌 上面有蛋黃醬 底有薯仔🥔

❇️ Garlic Shrimps

出色 😍 上枱果時仲滾緊 蒜油味滲晒入啲蝦入面!

❇️ Clams Andalusian style

蜆肉飽滿 保留左白酒既香氣 個湯都好好飲 ☺️


❇️ Roasted suckling pig in the Segovia way

個皮烤得脆卜卜, 肉夠嫩滑juicy!

❇️ Traditional Lobster Paella

飯吸收晒龍蝦精華😍 不過冇乜龍蝦肉


❇️ Spanish churros with hot chocolate

超正宗既churros 🤤 配既熱朱古力都勁好食!!

After the pandemic, I haven't been to this restaurant again. I've heard some food critics say that the restaurant has declined in quality, but when I came here tonight, the food was still good and authentic. They even had guitarists, which made for a great atmosphere! The only downside was that it was a bit hard to find the restaurant and easily get lost on the first visit 🤣


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