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作家相片Leo Girl

【🦁日法fusion菜】Lunch唔洗$400! 嘆鵝肝 + 封門柳

法式浪漫碰撞日式精緻, 窗邊上排法國葡萄酒, 下排日本清酒, 正正表示日法料理既融合!

另一大打卡位係門口既留聲機, 復古造型與新派fusion菜形成強烈對比!整體氛圍適合情侶約會, 與朋友deep talk聚餐, 慶祝特別日子~親民價錢就可以寵愛一下味蕾!

Pamper your taste buds by fine but affordable fusion cuisine of Japanese and French styles! Don’t forget to take photos with the vintage gramophone. Highly recommend for couple dates, friend gatherings and celebration of special occasions.


🦁 Starter

Daily Salad|Soup

Scallop Carpaccio (+$70)|Foie Gras (+$78)

比餐廳impress到係冷盤真係夠凍, 而熱盤係d碟都好熱, 令d食物唔會咁快變番常溫 超加分!鵝肝煎得夠香, 帶子薄片好清新開胃!餐包有熱辣辣牛角包同芝士包😍


🦁 Main

Daily Risotto ($158)

USA Prime Hanger Steak (60oz) ($298)

Risotto係海膽汁, 超惹味😍 steak建議叫5成以下 夠juicy! 仲有唔同sauce蘸


🦁 Daily Dessert (+$70)

好靚既Mouses cake 細細件 就算已經好飽都仲食得落🤣




🤿 香港荒島遊|有小丑魚Nemo + 魚群風暴!

🥩 Sheraton海景扒房. 特級牛扒 + 龍蝦

🌈 OP水上樂園攻略 去前必睇!

📣 玩樂一覽

OP水上樂園門票優惠 🌈 |赤洲浮潛新手套票🤿|wakesurf 一鍵搵船家🏄‍|傳送門 <> 有晒link~


🦁 Leo Girl Foodie 施氏食獅史

Instagram|@leogirl_hk852 (5k+ follower)

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